JTAG Controller (TAP)
Dolphin Technology provides JTAG Controller (TAP) IP which enables access through the JTAG interface for building designs with efficient, fast, and productive debugging solutions. The IP's size can be scaled by setting parameters.

- Features
- Design Status
- Compliant with the following specifications:
- AMBA, Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB) Specification Version 2.0
- AMBA, Advanced High-performance Bus (AHB) Specification Version 2.0
- AMBA, Advanced eXtensibale Bus (AXI) Specification Version 4.0
- AMBA, Advanced eXtensibale Lite Bus (AXI-Lite) Specification Version 4.0
- DTI TAP Controller supports:
- Master only operation
- Slave only operation
- Master and slave operation
- Clock synchronization
- Programmable FIFO watermarks
- Interrupt interface
- Data Sheets are available under NDA