Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
Dolphin Technology provides Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) IP which enables an AHB/APB host to access a serial device at high-speed through the SPI interface. The controller supports both Master and Slave modes and consists of a DMA controller to enhance the system performance. The IP can be used in applications such as flash memory card and digital camera.

- Features
- Design Status
- Compliant with the following specifications:
- AMBA, Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB) Specification Version 2.0
- AMBA, Advanced High-performance Bus (AHB) Specification Version 2.0
- AMBA, Advanced eXtensibale Bus (AXI) Specification Version 4.0
- AMBA, Advanced eXtensibale Lite Bus (AXI-Lite) Specification Version 4.0
- DTI SPI Controller supports:
- Programmable operation mode: master or slave
- Programmable data length (8, 16, 24, 32 bits)
- Programmable Clock polarity and phase (CPOL and CPHA)
- Programmable Data Direction (LSB first or MSB first)
- Use separated Async. FIFO for Transmitting and Receiving Data, with programmable user-specified runtime-changeable levels
- Programmable to use FIFO interrupt
- Programmable Clock Divider
- Support Multiple Slaves
- Support Delay between Slave Select and Serial Clock, Delay between 2 bytes in a transfer
- Clock synchronization
- Data Sheets are available under NDA