Memory Test & Repair (MBIST)
Dolphin Technology now provides a memory BIST solution which has been optimized for Dolphin memories. It supports all Dolphin memory compilers, including SRAM and RF.

- Features
- Design Status
- Fully automated MBIST RTL and Gate flow
- Fully supported BIST test, diagnosis and soft/hard repair
- Fully supported eFuse controller for automated hard repair
- Analyze RTL design or netlist to identify memories
- Plan MBIST engines
- Verify stand-alone
- Insert into RTL design or netlist
- Verify partition level
- Top level hookup to JTAG
- Fully supported P1500 interface and Tap controller
- Verify top level
- Generate test patterns and SVF file
- Incremental repair capability
- Programmable March-style algorithm
- APB interface for BIST test and fuse operation
- Diagnosis test, Characterization test and SVF debug flow
- Fully supported ICL/PDL of IEEE 1687
- Automated subchip integration flow
Data Sheets are available under NDA